To enable KOL applications to use ActiveX components, the ActiveKOL package was developed, which includes the ActiveKOL.pas modules (a replacement for ActiveX.pas), KOLComObj and a special application Tlb2KOL. These modules are much "lighter" than the original ActiveX module from the Delphi distribution: direct use of such components after installing them in the usual way for the Delphi environment increases the size of the application so much that the meaning of using the KOL library would be lost (360K and higher).
This package allows you to install and use almost any ActiveX component for use with KOL, while keeping the executable file size within reasonable limits. True, sometimes a certain amount of manual work is required after the automatic generation of the interface code by the Tlb2Kol utility. But in general, the package is suitable, at least, for use with Delphi compilers from version 5 to version 7. The main site has a fair amount of ready-made adaptations of various ActiveX components, made mainly for Delphi 6.