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KOL/MCK - User Guide

function MulDiv( A, B, C: Integer ): Integer;

Returns A * B div C. Small and fast.


function MakeRect( Left, Top, Right, Bottom: Integer ): TRect; stdcall;

Use it instead of VCL Rect function


function RectsEqual( const R1, R2: TRect ): Boolean;

Returns True if rectangles R1 and R2 have the same bounds


function RectsIntersected( const R1, R2: TRect ): Boolean;

Returns TRUE if rectangles R1 and R2 have at least one common point. Note, that right and bottom bounds of rectangles are not their part, so, if such points are lying on that bounds, FALSE is returned.


function PointInRect( const P: TPoint; const R: TRect ): Boolean;

Returns True if point P is located in rectangle R (including left and top bounds but without right and bottom bounds of the rectangle).


function OffsetPoint( const T: TPoint; dX, dY: Integer ): TPoint;


function OffsetSmallPoint( const T: TSmallPoint; dX, dY: SmallInt ): TSmallPoint;


function Point2SmallPoint( const T: TPoint ): TSmallPoint;


function SmallPoint2Point( const T: TSmallPoint ): TPoint;


function MakePoint( X, Y: Integer ): TPoint;

Use instead of VCL function Point


function MakeSmallPoint( X, Y: Integer ): TSmallPoint;

Use to construct TSmallPoint


function MakeFlags( FlgSet: PDWORD; FlgArray: array of Integer ): Integer;


function MakeDateTimeRange( D1, D2: TDateTime ): TDateTimeRange;

Returns TDateTimeRange from two TDateTime bounds.


procedure Swap( var X, Y: Integer );

exchanging values


function Min( X, Y: Integer ): Integer;

minimum of two integers


function Max( X, Y: Integer ): Integer;

maximum of two integers


function Abs( X: Integer ): Integer;

absolute value


function Sgn( X: Integer ): Integer;

sign of X: if X < 0, -1 is returned, if > 0, then +1, otherwise 0.


function iSqrt( X: Integer ): Integer;

square root


function iCbrt( X: DWORD ): Integer;

cubic root


KOL / MCK User Guide - Created by Carl Peeraer - Diamant Soft, based on the work of Vladimir Kladov -


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