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KOL/MCK - User Guide

function Color2RGB( Color: TColor ): TColor;

Function to get RGB color from system color. Parameter can be also RGB color, in that case result is just equal to a parameter.


function RGB2BGR( Color: TColor ): TColor;

Converts RGB color to BGR


function ColorsMix( Color1, Color2: TColor ): TColor;

Returns color, which RGB components are build as an (approximate) arithmetic mean of correspondent RGB components of both source colors (these both are first converted from system to RGB, and result is always RGB color). Please note: this function is fast, but can be not too exact.


function Color2RGBQuad( Color: TColor ): TRGBQuad;

Converts color to RGB, used to represent RGB values in palette entries (actually swaps R and B bytes).


function Color2Color16( Color: TColor ): WORD;

Converts Color to RGB, packed to word (as it is used in format pf16bit).


function Color2Color15( Color: TColor ): WORD;

Converts Color to RGB, packed to word (as it is used in format pf15bit).


KOL / MCK User Guide - Created by Carl Peeraer - Diamant Soft, based on the work of Vladimir Kladov -


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