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KOL/MCK - User Guide

Handle - system descriptor of the GDI object of the image list;

ShareImages - a flag that controls the sharing of the descriptor between this object and other owners (if true, then the descriptor does not belong to this object, and will not be destroyed when the object is destroyed);

Colors - the color format of the images stored in the list. After adding images to the list, the format can no longer be changed (for this property to be changed, the list must be empty);

Masked - specifies whether the list of images uses a transparency mask for images (if not, then all images in the list are not transparent). Similar to Colors, this property can only be changed for an empty list;

ImgWidth - the width of each individual image stored in the list, in pixels;

ImgHeight - the height of each image in the list. Both the height and width of an individual image can also be set only before adding the first image to the list;

AllocBy - determines how many more images will be backed up in the list when the current reserve is exhausted. This property is passed to the system at the moment of creating a descriptor for the list of images, and it is no longer possible to change it after adding at least one image;


KOL / MCK User Guide - Created by Carl Peeraer - Diamant Soft, based on the work of Vladimir Kladov -


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