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KOL/MCK - User Guide

TMetafile = object( TObj )

Object type to encapsulate metafile image.


type PMetafile = ^TMetafile;



TMetafileHeader = packed record

   Key: Longint;

   Handle: SmallInt;

   Box: TSmallRect;

   Inch: Word;

   Reserved: Longint;

   CheckSum: Word;




WMFKey = Integer($9AC6CDD7);

WMFWord = $CDD7;



Metafile Properties


property Handle: THandle;

Returns handle of enchanced metafile.


property Width: Integer;

Native width of the metafile.


property Height: Integer;

Native height of the metafile.



Metafile Methods


destructor Destroy; virtual;


procedure Clear;


function Empty: Boolean;

Returns TRUE if empty


function LoadFromStream( Strm: PStream ): Boolean;

Loads emf or wmf file format from stream.


function LoadFromFile( const Filename: AnsiString ): Boolean;

Loads emf or wmf from stream.


procedure Draw( DC: HDC; X, Y: Integer );

Draws enchanced metafile on DC.


procedure StretchDraw( DC: HDC; const R: TRect );

Draws enchanced metafile stretched.


function NewMetafile: PMetafile;

Creates metafile object.


function ComputeAldusChecksum(var WMF: TMetafileHeader): Word;


function SetEnhMetaFileBits(p1: UINT; p2: PAnsiChar): HENHMETAFILE; stdcall;


function PlayEnhMetaFile(DC: HDC; p2: HENHMETAFILE; const p3: TRect): BOOL; stdcall;


KOL / MCK User Guide - Created by Carl Peeraer - Diamant Soft, based on the work of Vladimir Kladov -


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