Handle - window handle (hWnd type, i.e. 32-bit number that uniquely identifies the window in the system). In KOL projects it is also possible to create pseudo-window objects, similar to TGraphicControl in VCL, which do not have their own descriptor - for them Handle always contains 0;
HandleAllocated - checks if a window has been created for the object;
GetWindowHandle - returns a handle (Handle) of the window, creating it if it has not yet been created (this automatically creates windows for all parent window objects, if they have not been created yet);
CreateWindow - does the same as GetWindowHandle, i.e. creates a window for the window object if it has not been created yet;
CreateChildWindows - creates windows of all child TControl window objects (recursively) if they have not been created yet;
Close - closes the window, and destroys the object (if the window is the main form of the application or an Applet object, then the application ends);
ClsStyle - the style of the window class (the number used when creating the window as the ClsStyle parameter in the call to CreateWindowEx), usually after creating the object there is no need to change this property;
Style - window styles, changing this property allows you to fine-tune window properties, intended for professionals;
ExStyle - extended window styles, similar to the previous one;
SubClassName - the name of the window class, by default it returns the string 'obj_XXXX', where XXXX is the name of the window class (for example, for buttons: 'obj_BUTTON').