TOpenDirDialogEx( unit KOL.pas ) TObj _TObj
TOpenDirDialogEx = object( TObj )
Type POpenDirDialogEx = ^TOpenDirDialogEx;
function NewOpenDirDialogEx: POpenDirDialogEx;
Creates object, which can be used (several times) to open alternative directory selecting dialog
TOpenDirDialogEx properties
Property OKCaption: KOLString;
The title of the OK button. By default, the string is 'OK'.
Property CancelCaption: KOLString;
The title of the Cancel button. By default 'Cancel'.
Property FilterAttrs: DWORD;
A set of file attributes for a directory filter. This field allows you to determine whether to give the ability to select system and hidden folders - if necessary (enabling the corresponding attribute value excludes directories with this attribute from viewing).
Property FilterRecycled: Boolean;
Setting this property to true excludes the folder for "deleted" files from the list of displayed files, regardless of its name on this computer (Recycled Bin, Recycle Bin, etc.).
The title of the dialogue form.
Property Form: PControl;
DialogForm object. Though it is possible to do anything since it is in public section, do this only if you understand possible consequences.
E.g., use it to change DialogForm bounding rectangle on screen or to add your own controls, event handlers and so on.
property InitialPath: KOLString;
Set this property to a path of directory to be selected initially in a dialog.
property Path: KOLString;
Resulting (selected by user) path.
property Links[ idx: Integer ]: KOLString;
List of links
function CollectLinks: PStrList;
property LinksPanelOn: Boolean;
property LinksCount: Integer;
The number of links
function LinkPresent( const s: KOLString ): Boolean;
Checks for a link with the specified path to the folder.
function GetLinksPanelOn: Boolean;
TOpenDirDialog methods
procedure DoubleClick( Sender: PControl; var M: TMouseEventData );
procedure CreateDialogForm;
Method in the implementation part, where it is generated dynamically.
function Execute: Boolean;
Call it to select directory by user. Returns True, if operation was not cancelled by user.
procedure AddLinks( SL: PStrList );
procedure RemoveLink( const s: KOLString );
Removes the link to the folder with the specified path.
procedure ClearLinks;
Clears the list of links.