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KOL/MCK - User Guide

Non-Visual Objects KOL and MCK


This concludes the description of the main visual objects of KOL, which are window and pseudo-window objects (i.e. controls). Those "controls" that have already been described are already quite enough to implement a decent enough visual interface. But for a full-fledged application development, a certain set of auxiliary objects is still lacking for solving a number of common tasks, such as: menus, dialogs for choosing a file or folder name, clocks, execution threads.


All such objects are inherited directly from TObj, i.e. are simple objects. But, at the same time, for all of them there are mirror components in the Mirror Classes Kit, allowing them to be used in visual design. That is, they can be thrown onto the form and set up the desired properties and events. As a result, code is automatically generated that ensures the creation of the corresponding objects along with the form, and their destruction along with the destruction of the form object.


Menu (TMenu)

oEvents for the entire menu or its child items

oEvents, methods, properties of an individual menu item as an object

oAccess to properties of subordinate menu items

oMain menu

oPop-up menu


oMenu at MCK

oMenu - Syntax


Tray Icon (TTrayIcon)

oTray Icon - Syntax


File Selection Dialog (TopenSaveDialog)

oFile Selection Dialog - Syntax


Directory Selection Dialog (TOpenDirDialog)

oDirectory Selection Dialog - Syntax


Alternative Directory Selection Dialog (TOpenDirDialogEX)

oAlternative Directory Selection Dialog - Syntax


Color Selection Dialog (TColorDialog)

oColor Selection Dialog - Syntax


Clock (TTimer)

oMultimedia Timer (TMMTimer)

oClock - Syntax


Thread, or thread of commands (TThread)

oThread - Syntax


Action and ActionList

oAction and ActionList - Syntax




KOL / MCK User Guide - Created by Carl Peeraer - Diamant Soft, based on the work of Vladimir Kladov -


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