function NewCombobox( AParent: PControl; Options: TComboOptions ): PControl;
Creates new combo box control. Note, that it is not possible to align combobox caLeft or caRight: this can cause infinite recursion in the application.
Following properties, methods and events are special for Combobox:
property OnDropDown: TOnEvent; |
property OnCloseUp: TOnEvent; |
property OnMeasureItem: TOnMeasureItem; |
property OnChange: TOnEvent; |
property OnSelChange: TOnEvent; |
property OnDrawItem: TOnDrawItem; |
procedure AddDirList( const Filemask: KOLString; Attrs: DWORD ); |
function Add( const S: KOLString ): Integer; |
function Insert( Idx: Integer; const S: KOLString ): Integer; |
procedure Delete( Idx: Integer ); |
property CurIndex: Integer; |
property Count: Integer; |
property Items[ Idx: Integer ]: KOLString; |
property ItemSelected[ ItemIdx: Integer ]: Boolean; |
property ItemData[ Idx: Integer ]: DWORD; |
property DroppedWidth: Integer; |
property DroppedDown: Boolean; |