This chapter will be devoted to simple controls that contain (even this is not necessary) a single line of text, a minimum of specific properties, methods and events in the TControl object type (in which they "live" together with many other kinds of visual objects, without the need to branch out into a separate object type). a type).
It should be noted right away that since the contents of almost all of these visual objects (text, picture, combination of text and picture) have easily defined sizes, then almost all of them can have the property of automatically resizing to the content (see the AutoSize method). Exceptions to this rule are panels (since their contents are, first of all, visual objects child of them).
•Labels (label, label effect) |
•Panel (Panel, Gradient Panel, Gradient Style) |
•Groupbox |
•Paintbox |
•Imageshow |
•Splitter |
•Scrollbar |
•Progressbar |
•Scrollbox |
•Buttons |
•Switches (Checkbox, Radiobox) |
•Visual objects with a list of items |
•Text input fields (editbox, memo, richedit)
oText input field constructors (edit)
oSpecifics of using common properties (edit)
oInput field options (edit)
oGeneral properties of input fields (edit)
oEmpowering: direct API access (edit)
oFeatures of Rich Edit
oMirrored input field classes (edit) |
•List of Strings (Listbox) |
•Combobox |
•General List (List View)
oList Views
oColumn management
oWorking with items and selection
oAdding and removing items
oElement values and their change
oLocation of items
oList view
oSorting and searching |
•Tree View
oProperties of the whole tree
oAdding and removing nodes
oProperties of parent nodes
oProperties of child nodes
oNode attributes: text, icons, states
oNode geometry and drag
oEditing text |
•Tool Bar
oGeneral properties, methods, events
oSetting up the ruler
oButton properties
oSome features of working with the toolbar |
•Tab Control |
•Frames (TKOLFrame) |
•Data Module (TKOLDataModule) |
•The Form |
•"Alien" Panel |
•MDI Interface |
•DateTime Picker |