On Windows, check boxes (check boxes and radio boxes) are flavors of a button. This is not surprising since their basic functionality is about the same, namely the ability to be pressed with a mouse or keyboard. There are also graphical analogs for these objects in KOL. And in their graphical incarnation, it is these objects that turn out to be most useful for facilitating the descriptor "weight" of all kinds of configuration dialogs, in which there can be hundreds of flags.
NewGraphCheckBox(Parent, Caption)
NewGraphRadioBox(Parent, Caption)
To catch a click, these objects also use the OnClick event, and the "checked" state is read and written through the Checked properties and the SetRadioChecked method, just like for their window prototypes.
function NewGraphCheckBox( AParent: PControl; const ACaption: KOLString ): PControl;
Creates graphic checkbox.
function NewGraphRadioBox( AParent: PControl; const ACaption: KOLString ): PControl;
Creates graphic radiobox.