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KOL/MCK - User Guide

The first (but not the last) graphic visual is the label, i.e. a field containing some text to be displayed on the form. Graphic labels constructors:


NewGraphLabel(Parent, Caption)

NewGraphWordWrapLabel(Parent, Caption)


The object created in this constructor is the same PControl as other visual objects. You can still change its position, size, set alignment. But the properties and methods that exploit the window handle turn out to be inapplicable. For example, many event handlers like OnMessage cannot be used for it. OnClick, OnMouseXXXX (as well as OnKeyXXXX and OnChar - for "focused" graphic controls, see below) remain guaranteed to be available. These events are specially simulated in the window parent's message handler so that the basic behavior of the graphics controls remains the same.





function NewGraphLabel( AParent: PControl; const ACaption: AnsiString ): PControl;

Creates graphic label, which does not require a window handle.


function NewWordWrapGraphLabel( AParent: PControl; const ACaption: KOLString ): PControl;

Creates graphic label, which does not require a window handle.


KOL / MCK User Guide - Created by Carl Peeraer - Diamant Soft, based on the work of Vladimir Kladov -


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