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KOL/MCK - User Guide

type TIniFileMode =( ifmRead, ifmWrite );

ifmRead is default mode (means "read" data from ini-file. Set mode to ifmWrite to write data to ini-file, correspondent to TIniFile.


function OpenIniFile( const FileName: KOLString ): PIniFile;

Opens ini file, creating TIniFile object instance to work with it.




TIniFile( unit KOL.pas ) TObj _TObj

TIniFile = object( TObj )

Ini file incapsulation. The main feature is what the same block of read-write operations could be defined (difference must be only in Mode value).  



TIniFile properties


property Mode: TIniFileMode;

ifmWrite, if write data to ini-file rather than read it.


property FileName: KOLString;    

Ini file name.


property Section: KOLString;

Current ini section.



TIniFile methods


destructor Destroy; virtual;



function ValueInteger( const Key: KOLString; Value: Integer ): Integer;

Reads or writes integer data value.


function ValueString( const Key: KOLString; const Value: KOLString ): KOLString;

Reads or writes string data value.


function ValueDouble( const Key: KOLString; const Value: Double ): Double;

Reads or writes Double data value.


function ValueBoolean( const Key: KOLString; Value: Boolean ): Boolean;

Reads or writes Boolean data value.


function ValueData( const Key: KOLString; Value: Pointer; Count: Integer ): Boolean;

Reads or writes data from/to buffer. Returns True, if success.


procedure ClearAll;

Clears all sections of ini-file.


procedure ClearSection;

Clears current Section of ini-file.


procedure ClearKey( const Key: KOLString );

Clears given key in current section.


procedure GetSectionNames( Names: PKOLStrList );

Retrieves section names, storing it in string list passed as a parameter. String list does not cleared before processing. Section names are added to the end of the string list.


procedure SectionData( Names: PKOLStrList );

Read/write current section content to/from string list. (Depending on current Mode value).


KOL / MCK User Guide - Created by Carl Peeraer - Diamant Soft, based on the work of Vladimir Kladov -


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