TBAddButtons(buttons, imgindexes)- adds buttons to the ruler in the same way as in the ruler constructor. It is possible to add buttons with several different calls to this method and the TBInsertButtons method;
TBInsertButtons(i, bitmap, imgindexes) - inserts the specified buttons at position i;
TBDeleteButton(btnID) - removes the button (by its numeric "identifier");
TBDeleteBtnByIdx(i) - removes the button by index;
Clear - removes all created buttons from the ruler;
TBSetTooltips(btnID, tooltips) - sets the pop-up text of tooltips for buttons starting with btnID;
TBBtnImgWidth - the width of the thumbnail for the button in the (first) image added in the TBAddBitmap method. To use this property, the number 0 should be passed as the bitmap parameter in the ruler constructor, and the image should be added after changing the value of this property using the TBAddBitmap method. This property should not be used if standard images are used for at least some of the buttons (in this case, the icons are always square, 16x16 or 32x32 pixels in size);
TBAddBitmap(bitmap)- adds a bitmap to the line of pictograms for toolbar buttons. On first addition, if the TBBtnImgWidth property has not changed, the height of the entire image is used as the width of each thumbnail. With subsequent additions, the width of the icons can no longer be changed, and if the parameters of the new images (height) differ, the height of the first bitmap added (by this method, or in the ruler constructor) is still used.
In addition, this method can be used to "add" system images to the rulers by using the reserved numeric values in the bitmap parameter (-1 - standard 16x16 small icons, -2 - standard 32x32 large icons, -5 and -6 - standard small and large "view" icons, -9 and -10 are standard small and large "history" icons).
The use of system images has a beneficial effect on the size of the application. pictures are taken from system resources, and are not stored in the executable module, spending 1 K byte (minimum) for each button.
TBAssignEvents(btnID, events) - assigns individual events to the ruler buttons, starting with the button identified by the numeric btnID descriptor;
TBResetImgIdx(btnID, i) - "resets" the indexes of icons for i buttons, starting with the given btnID;
TBItem2Index(btnID) - returns the button index by its numeric descriptor;
TBIndex2Item(i) - returns a handle to the button by its index;
TBConvertIdxArray2ID(idxVars) - "converts" indices to identifiers for the specified set of numeric variables. You should initially assign button indices to these variables, and after calling TBConvertIdxArray2ID, all of these variables can be used as indices to refer to the buttons. This method allows you to combine the convenience of using symbolic names as button indices, when referring to them from the program code, with the ability to dynamically change the composition of the line. If buttons are inserted or deleted, then the correspondence between the symbolic names of the buttons and their descriptors obtained in this way is not violated.