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KOL/MCK - User Guide

type PDirChange = ^TDirChange;


TOnDirChange = procedure (Sender: PDirChange; const Path: KOLString) of object;

Event type to define OnChange event for folder monitoring objects.


TFileChangeFilters = (fncFileName, fncDirName, fncAttributes, fncSize, fncLastWrite, fncLastAccess, fncCreation, fncSecurity);

Possible change monitor filters.


TFileChangeFilter = set of TFileChangeFilters;

Set of filters to pass to a constructor of TDirChange object.


TDirChange = object(TObj)

Object type to monitor changes in certain folder.


TDirChange Properties


property Handle: THandle;

Handle of file change notification object.


property Path: KOLString;

Path to monitored folder (to a root, if tree of folders is under monitoring).


property OnChange: TOnDirChange;


property OnExecute: TOnEvent;


function NewDirChangeNotifier( const Path: KOLString; Filter: TFileChangeFilter; WatchSubtree: Boolean; ChangeProc: TOnDirChange; OnExecuteProc: TOnEvent) : PDirChange;

Creates notification object TDirChange. If something wrong (e.g., passed directory does not exist), nil is returned as a result. When change is notified, ChangeProc is called always in main thread context.

(Please note, that ChangeProc can not be nil).

If empty filter is passed, default filter is used: [fncFileName..fncLastWrite].


KOL / MCK User Guide - Created by Carl Peeraer - Diamant Soft, based on the work of Vladimir Kladov -


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