LVAdd(s, ii, state, sii, oii, data) - "universal" addition of an item (it is recommended to use LVItemAdd, see below);
LVInsert(i, s, ii, state, sii, oii, data) - similar to LVAdd, inserts an item at the position with index i (I also recommend using the LVItemInsert method that appeared later);
LVItemAdd(s) and LVItemAddW (s) - adds an element, setting only the text for it (other properties of the element may well be set by the properties intended for this);
LVItemInsert(i, s) and LVItemInsertW (i, s) - inserts an element at the specified position;
LVDelete(i) - removes the element at index i;
OnDeleteLVItem (synonym for OnLVDelete) - this event is triggered for each deleted item (can be used to release the resources associated with the item through the LVItemData property, for example);
OnDeleteAllLVItems - is called before deleting all elements of the list at once. If, after returning from the handler for this event, the OnDeleteLVItem event handler remains assigned, then it will also be called for each deleted item;