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KOL/MCK - User Guide

LVSetItem(i, j, s, ii, state, sii, oii, data)- allows you to assign specified attributes (text, icon, state, etc.) to an element or any of its subelements (columns) - in one call. If the index of the subelement (column) is 0, then the element itself is meant, and from index 1 the columns begin to be numbered (and for them the data parameter is ignored);

LVItemState[i] - "state" of the element (combination of flags lvisBlend - partial coloring of the icon, lvisHighlight - bright selection of the element, lvisFocus - focus frame around the element, lvisSelect - the element is selected). If, during assignment, -1 is used as an index for a list with multiple selection, then the state will change for all elements (for a list that does not allow multiple selection, index -1 refers to the last element in the list);

LVItemIndent[i] - indent from the left edge (for lvsDetail and lvsDetailNoHeader view modes). One corresponds to an indentation with a width equal to the width of the thumbnail in the ImageListSmall;

LVItemImageIndex[i] - index of the thumbnail for the main image in the element (taken from the ImageListNormal list of images for the lvsIcon view mode, and in all other modes - from the ImageListSmall list);

LVItemStateImgIdx[i]- the index of the image in the field for the "state" icon (should not be confused with the state of the element itself). The column with the status icon is displayed in the lvsList, lvsDetail, lvsDetailNoHeader view modes. For state icons, a specially designed list of images ImageListState is used;

LVItemOverlayImgIdx[i] - overprint index for the image of the main icon of the element. This property can take values ​​from 0 to 15, and the value 0 corresponds to the absence of overlays, and for values ​​from 1 to 15, the corresponding "overlays" (Overlay) from the ImageListSmall images are used;

LVItemData[i] - associates a number (or pointer) with an element;

LVItems[i, j] and LVItemsW [i, j] - properties for accessing the text of items and subelements (columns). Column j with index 0 is the element itself, the indices of other columns start at one;

LVEditItemLabel(i)- initiates editing of the text of the specified element. Only the element itself (column 0) can be edited in the list view-control by its own means, but not sub-elements. Of course, lvoEditLabel must be present in the control options for this call to work (in this case, the user usually has the opportunity to start editing the text of any element using standard Windows tools: by pressing the F2 key, or by clicking the selected element with the mouse);

OnEndEditLVItem - this event is triggered when the user has finished editing the text of an item, for any reason (editing canceled or completed), and regardless of how the editing was started - by the user or programmatically, by the LVEditItemLabel method. The handler receives a new text as a parameter, and has the ability to substitute any other text for it (including returning the previous value);

OnLVData and OnLVDataW is a special event for the virtual list (with the lvoOwnerData option). The handler for this event is called every time when, when drawing a list box, the system needs to get text and images for display (virtual lists of topics differ from the usual ones that the program stores text and images, and as a result, it becomes possible to quickly work with huge lists of data) ;


KOL / MCK User Guide - Created by Carl Peeraer - Diamant Soft, based on the work of Vladimir Kladov -


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