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KOL/MCK - User Guide

OnMenuItem - an event that is triggered for a menu object when an element is selected in it. When a menu item is selected, such an event (if assigned) is triggered for the menu item itself, and for each parent menu. This approach allows, if desired, to save on the creation of separate event handlers for each menu item, and to concentrate all the processing of clicks on the menu in one procedure, assigning it as a handler for clicks on the parent menu of the highest level;

ByAccel - this property can be interrogated in the menu handler to determine whether the menu item was "clicked" by the coordinate device (mouse or its substitute), or selected using a shortcut key. Note: accelerator is an accelerator, accelerators should not be confused with mnemonics, they are different mechanisms;

IsSeparator - returns true if item is a separator;

OnUncheckRadioItem - this event allows you to assign an additional event handler "the current element of the radio group is no longer current". The aforementioned OnMenuItem event fires only for the radio group item in the menu that has been selected;

AssignEvents(i, events) - allows you to assign event handlers for several menu items, starting with i;


KOL / MCK User Guide - Created by Carl Peeraer - Diamant Soft, based on the work of Vladimir Kladov -


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