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KOL/MCK - User Guide

The events, methods and properties listed below relate primarily to each individual menu item without affecting the entire menu tree or subordinate items of this menu item. To access such properties from code, you must have a pointer to the object corresponding to the menu item. For example, such a pointer can be obtained for the main menu using the Items [i] property. If the composition of the menu changes dynamically, the best way is immediately after the initial creation of the menu and before performing any modifications to the menu (i.e. when its index is precisely known for each menu item) to copy the pointers of those menu items to which the program code contains calls to their variables (like PMenu).


OnMeasureItem - an event that is called for a menu item with the OwnerDrawFixed option to set the size of the menu (in the lower word of the result, the handler must return the height, in the upper word - the width of the menu item);

OnDrawItem - an event for drawing a menu item by a handler assigned by the programmer. The menu must have the OwnerDraw property equal to true;

OwnerDraw - the OnDrawItem event handler is called for displaying menu items;

Caption - Menu item caption text (including '&' indicating mnemonic characters, and keyboard accelerator representation string, usually following tabulation character).

MenuBreak - the type of separation of this menu item from subsequent ones (for automatic transfer of menu items to the next line or column);

RadioGroup - radio group index. Several consecutive menu items with the same RadioGroup property value form a single group of toggle items, in which only one item can be "checked";

IsCheckItem - the menu item is automatically tagged. By choosing such an item in the menu, the user automatically changes his states "marked" - "not marked" to the opposite (before the OnMenuItem event is triggered);

Checked - the menu item corresponding to the object is "marked";

Enabled - the object menu item is allowed (if not, then the menu item becomes pale and unavailable for selection by the user, i.e. the OnMenuItem event will never occur for it while it is in this state);

DefaultItem - the menu item is the "default" item, i.e. it is visually highlighted (in bold) and is triggered by pressing the <Enter> key when the parent menu is displayed on the screen along with its children;

Highlight - the menu item is highlighted;

Visible - property of the object corresponding to the menu item. The object makes the given menu item "visible" by destroying the menu item when this property is set to false and re-creating it when the property is set to true again;

Data - a pointer that allows you to associate some additional data with a menu item (including, it can be any 32-bit number);

Bitmap - the hBitmap bitmap used to display the icon to the left of the text in the menu (in the same place where the system displays a "bird" or a marking circle for "marked" menu items);

BitmapItem - the bitmap hBitmap, rendered in place of the menu text, if assigned. There are a number of reserved system constants that can optionally be used as a value for this property. For example, HBMMENU_CALLBACK - allows you to organize the substitution of the required image by an additional request from the system, as well as: HBMMENU_MBAR_CLOSE, HBMMENU_MBAR_MINIMIZE, etc .;

Accelerator - "accelerator", or a keyboard shortcut that can be used to invoke a menu item. The accelerator is created in code by calling the MakeAccelerator function;

HelpContext - a number that is used in the embedded help system of the application to identify the article in the help, which is activated when requesting contextual help for the menu item (F1);


KOL / MCK User Guide - Created by Carl Peeraer - Diamant Soft, based on the work of Vladimir Kladov -


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