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KOL/MCK - User Guide

TOpenSaveDialog( unit KOL.pas ) TObj _TObj

TOpenSaveDialog = object( TObj )

Object to show standard Open/Save dialog. Initially provided for XCL by Carlo Kok.


type TOpenSaveDialog = object( TObj )

Object to show standard Open/Save dialog. Initially provided for XCL by Carlo Kok.


type TOpenSaveOption = ( OSCreatePrompt, OSExtensionDiffent, OSFileMustExist, OSHideReadonly, OSNoChangedir, OSNoReferenceLinks, OSAllowMultiSelect, OSNoNetworkButton, OSNoReadonlyReturn, OSOverwritePrompt, OSPathMustExist, OSReadonly, OSNoValidate, OSTemplate, OSHook);


type TOpenSaveOptions = set of TOpenSaveOption;

Options available for TOpenSaveDialog.





function NewOpenSaveDialog( const Title, StrtDir: KOLString; Options: TOpenSaveOptions ): POpenSaveDialog;

Creates object, which can be used (several times) to open file(s) selecting dialog.



TOpenSaveDialog properties


property Filename: KOLString;

Filename is separated by #13 when multiselect is true and the first file, is the path of the files selected.


If only one file is selected, it is provided as (e.g.) C:\Projects\Test1.dpr

For case when OSAllowMultiselect option used, after each call initial value for a Filename containing several files prevents system from opening the dialog. To fix this, assign another initial value to Filename property in your code, when you use multiselect.


property InitialDir: KOLString;

Initial directory path. If not set, current directory (usually directory when program is started) is used.


property Filter: KOLString;

A list of pairs of filter names and filter masks, separated with '¦'. If a mask contains more than one mask, it should be separated with ';'. E.g.:

'All files|*.*|Text files|*.txt;*.1st;*.diz'


property FilterIndex: Integer;

Index of default filter mask (0 by default, which means "first").


property OpenDialog: Boolean;

True, if "Open" dialog. False, if "Save" dialog. True is default.


property Title: KOLString;

Title for dialog.


property Options: TOpenSaveOptions;



property DefExtension: KOLString;

Default extention. Set it to desired extension without leading period, e.g. 'txt', but not '.txt'.


property WndOwner: THandle;

Owner window handle. If not assigned, Applet.Handle is used (whenever possible). Assign it, if your application has stay-on-top forms, and a separate Applet object is used.


property OpenReadOnly: Boolean;  

TRUE after Execute, if Read Only check box was checked by the user. Options are not affected anyway.

Properties, inherited from TObj


Property TemplateName: KOLString;

Do not forget to add OpenSaveDialog_Extended to project options conditionals!


Property HookProc: Pointer;


Property NoPlaceBar: Boolean;

TRUE, if place bar is disabled in the new style dialogs (if the symbol OpenSaveDialog_Extended is not added in project options, place bar is always enabled in Windows 2000 and higher).



TOpenSaveDialog methods


destructor Destroy; virtual;



Function Execute: Boolean;

Call it after creating to perform selecting of file by user.


KOL / MCK User Guide - Created by Carl Peeraer - Diamant Soft, based on the work of Vladimir Kladov -


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