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KOL/MCK - User Guide

function NewProgressbar( AParent: PControl ): PControl;


Creates progress bar control. Following properties are special for progress bar:



property Progress: Integer index(( PBM_SETPOS or $8000 ) shl 16 ) or PBM_GETPOS;


property MaxProgress: Integer index(( PBM_SETRANGE32 or $8000 ) shl 16 ) or PBM_GETRANGE;


property ProgressColor: TColor;


property ProgressBkColor: TColor;


function NewProgressbarEx( AParent: PControl; Options: TProgressbarOptions ): PControl;


Can create progress bar with smooth style (progress is not segmented onto bricks) or/and vertical progress bar - using additional parameter. For list of properties, suitable for progress bars, see NewProgressbar.


KOL / MCK User Guide - Created by Carl Peeraer - Diamant Soft, based on the work of Vladimir Kladov -


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