function NewRichEdit( AParent: PControl; Options: TEditOptions ): PControl;
Creates rich text edit control. A rich edit control is a window in which the user can enter and edit text. The text can be assigned character and paragraph formatting, and can include embedded OLE objects. Rich edit controls provide a programming interface for formatting text. However, an application must implement any user interface components necessary to make formatting operations available to the user.
Note: eoPassword, eoMultiline options have no effect for RichEdit control. Some operations are supersided with special versions of those, created especially for RichEdit, but in some cases it is necessary to use another properties and methods, specially designed for RichEdit (see methods and properties, which names are starting from RE_...).
Following properties, methods, events are special for edit controls:
property OnSelChange: TOnEvent; |
property OnRE_InsOvrMode_Change: TOnEvent; |
property OnProgress: TOnEvent; |
property OnRE_OverURL: TOnEvent; |
property OnRE_URLClick: TOnEvent; |
procedure BeginUpdate; |
procedure SelectAll; |
procedure ReplaceSelection( const Value: KOLString; aCanUndo: Boolean ); |
procedure DeleteLines( FromLine, ToLine: Integer ); |
function RE_TextSizePrecise: Integer; |
function RE_FmtStandard: PControl; |
procedure RE_CancelFmtStandard; |
function RE_LoadFromStream( Stream: PStream; Length: Integer; Format: TRETextFormat; SelectionOnly: Boolean ): Boolean; |
function RE_SaveToStream( Stream: PStream; Format: TRETextFormat; SelectionOnly: Boolean ): Boolean; |
function RE_LoadFromFile( const Filename: KOLString; Format: TRETextFormat; SelectionOnly: Boolean ): Boolean; |
function RE_SaveToFile( const Filename: KOLString; Format: TRETextFormat; SelectionOnly: Boolean ): Boolean; |
procedure RE_HideSelection( aHide: Boolean ); |
function RE_SearchText( const Value: KOLString; MatchCase, WholeWord, ScanForward: Boolean; SearchFrom, SearchTo: Integer ): Integer; |
function RE_WSearchText( const Value: KOLWideString; MatchCase, WholeWord, ScanForward: Boolean; SearchFrom, SearchTo: Integer ): Integer; |
function RE_NoOLEDragDrop: PControl; |
function CanUndo: Boolean; |
procedure EmptyUndoBuffer; |
function Undo: Boolean; |
procedure FreeCharFormatRec; |
property SelStart: Integer; |
property SelLength: Integer; |
property Selection: KOLString; |
property Count: Integer; |
property Items[ Idx: Integer ]: KOLString; |
property MaxTextSize: DWORD; |
property TextSize: Integer; |
property RE_TextSize[ Units: TRichTextSize ]: Integer; |
property RE_CharFmtArea: TRichFmtArea; |
property RE_CharFormat: TCharFormat; |
property RE_Font: PGraphicTool; |
property RE_FmtBold: Boolean; |
property RE_FmtItalic: Boolean; |
property RE_FmtStrikeout: Boolean; |
property RE_FmtUnderline: Boolean; |
property RE_FmtUnderlineStyle: TRichUnderline; |
property RE_FmtProtected: Boolean; |
property RE_FmtProtectedValid: Boolean; |
property RE_FmtHidden: Boolean; |
property RE_FmtHiddenValid: Boolean; |
property RE_FmtLink: Boolean; |
property RE_FmtFontSize: Integer index( 12 shl 16 ) or CFM_SIZE; |
property RE_FmtFontSizeValid: Boolean; |
property RE_FmtAutoBackColor: Boolean; |
property RE_FmtFontColor: Integer index( 20 shl 16 ) or CFM_COLOR; |
property RE_FmtFontColorValid: Boolean; |
property RE_FmtAutoColor: Boolean; |
property RE_FmtBackColor: Integer index(( 64 + 32 ) shl 16 ) or CFM_BACKCOLOR; |
property RE_FmtFontOffset: Integer index( 16 shl 16 ) or CFM_OFFSET; |
property RE_FmtFontOffsetValid: Boolean; |
property RE_FmtFontCharset: Integer index( 25 shl 16 ) or CFM_CHARSET; |
property RE_FmtFontCharsetValid: Boolean; |
property RE_FmtFontName: KOLString; |
property RE_FmtFontNameValid: Boolean; |
property RE_ParaFmt: TParaFormat; |
property RE_TextAlign: TRichTextAlign; |
property RE_TextAlignValid: Boolean; |
property RE_Numbering: Boolean; |
property RE_NumStyle: TRichNumbering; |
property RE_NumStart: Integer; |
property RE_NumBrackets: TRichNumBrackets; |
property RE_NumTab: Integer; |
property RE_NumberingValid: Boolean; |
property RE_Level: Integer; |
property RE_SpaceBefore: Integer; |
property RE_SpaceBeforeValid: Boolean; |
property RE_SpaceAfter: Integer; |
property RE_SpaceAfterValid: Boolean; |
property RE_LineSpacing: Integer; |
property RE_SpacingRule: Integer; |
property RE_LineSpacingValid: Boolean; |
property RE_Indent: Integer index( 20 shl 16 ) or PFM_OFFSET; |
property RE_IndentValid: Boolean; |
property RE_StartIndent: Integer index( 12 shl 16 ) or PFM_STARTINDENT; |
property RE_StartIndentValid: Boolean; |
property RE_RightIndent: Integer index( 16 shl 16 ) or PFM_RIGHTINDENT; |
property RE_RightIndentValid: Boolean; |
property RE_TabCount: Integer; |
property RE_Tabs[ Idx: Integer ]: Integer; |
property RE_TabsValid: Boolean; |
property RE_AutoKeyboard: Boolean; |
property RE_AutoFont: Boolean; |
property RE_AutoFontSizeAdjust: Boolean; |
property RE_DualFont: Boolean; |
property RE_UIFonts: Boolean; |
property RE_IMECancelComplete: Boolean; |
property RE_IMEAlwaysSendNotify: Boolean; |
property RE_OverwriteMode: Boolean; |
property RE_DisableOverwriteChange: Boolean; |
property RE_Text[ Format: TRETextFormat; SelectionOnly: Boolean ]: KOLString; |
property RE_Error: Integer; |
property RE_AutoURLDetect: Boolean; |
property RE_URL: PKOLChar; |
property RE_Transparent: Boolean; |
property RE_Zoom: TSmallPoint; |
function NewRichEdit1( AParent: PControl; Options: TEditOptions ): PControl;
Like NewRichEdit, but to work with older RichEdit control version 1.0 (window class 'RichEdit' forced to use instead of 'RichEdit20A', even if library RICHED20.DLL found and loaded successfully). One more difference - OleInit is not called, so the most of OLE capabilities of RichEdit could not working.