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KOL/MCK - User Guide

LVItemRect[i, part]- returns the rectangle occupied by the element (or its part specified by the part parameter) in the window. If the element is not currently visible in the window, then a rectangle with all coordinates equal to zero is returned;

LVSubItemRect[i, j]- returns the rectangle in the window occupied by a specific column of the element (for the lvsDetail and lvsDetailNoHeader modes). If the element itself is visible in the window, but its column j is not fully visible, then a rectangle with side borders extending beyond the left and / or right edges of the window will be returned;

LVItemPos[i] - returns the position of the element in the window (for the lvsIcon and lvsSmallIcon modes, this property also allows you to change the position);

LVItemAtPos(X, Y) and LVItemAtPosEx (X, Y, where) - return the index of the item located in the given coordinates in the window (or -1 if there are no items at this position). In the LVItemAtPosEx method, the where parameter returns exactly what part of the item ended up at the point (X, Y): icon, text of the item itself, status icon, another column;

LVTopItem - index of the element displayed in the first line of the list (modes lvsDetail, lvsDetailNoHeader, lvsList);

LVPerPage - the number of elements that fit into one page (lvsDetail, lvsDetailNoHeader modes);

LVMakeVisible(i, partialOK)- scrolls the window so that the element with index i is in the scope. If the partialOK parameter is true, and the specified element is already partially visible in the window, this call does not change anything;


KOL / MCK User Guide - Created by Carl Peeraer - Diamant Soft, based on the work of Vladimir Kladov -


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